New Releases: Metatron Discovery 3.3.1 & 3.4.0(rc1)

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New Releases: Metatron Discovery 3.3.1 & 3.4.0(rc1)

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Hello, users! We are back to you with new updates on Metatron Discovery. We have two versions ready – a new stable version 3.3.1 and a first release candidate of version 3.4.0. Explore our recent improvements:

Metatron Discovery 3.4.0 rc1

Support Black Theme

Apply black design theme and change global UI function (#2388)
Finally, you can change the UI theme mode easily with a toggle. The darker theme has many benefits. It improves visibility for users with low vision and those who are sensitive to bright light. Also, it makes easier to use the web in a low-light environment.

Introduce Engine Monitoring (Beta)

Introduce engine(druid) monitoring function (#1373)
We have been considering creating an administration tool to figure out how to manage our druid engine better. Although there is a web console for the original Druid, but we needed more! In our engine monitoring page, you are able to check the server status in the Druid cluster and get comprehensive statistics. Ingestion tasks are also checked with logs. From the 3.4.0-rc1 version, you can see Engine Monitoring from the Management menu. This feature is only allowed to users who are set to data-manager or have higher authorization. Because it is an beta feature, you need to configure to see this in your menu tab:

    - name: Engine Monitoring

Other improvements

Add “recently used (dashboard)” section in metadata detail view (#2603)
Change auto-detection of column count (#1798)
Use data snapshot column type when creating datasource with data snapshot (#2375)
Apply black design theme and change global UI function (#2388)
Pause and resume batch datasource ingestion (#2463)
Support to show calculated column in table charts (#2539)
Synchronize css before applying black theme (#2602)
Add link to move Dashboard and Workbench in “Top User” Section (#2604)
Improve filtering and sorting for metadata list view (#2605)
Keep sorting conditions used in the workspace (#2617)
Improves the Layers menu in the panel for dimension filters (#2625)
Improves the Layers menu in the panel for time filters (#2626)

Metatron Discovery 3.3.1

3.3.1 is the updated stable version for the previous 3.3.0 release. We worked on several bug fixes including some error on Postgresql connections. Check out our release note for the details.

Metatron Optimized Druid 3.3.1

As we are upgrading Druid engine features along with the upgrade of Metatron Discovery, we recommend upgrading your Druid according to the Discovery version. Use druid-metatron-3.3.1.tar.gz from the assets on the release page.

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