Installation Guide: Custom Install

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Running Metatron Discovery Binary

For Linux and MacOS, we provide .tar.gz package for installing Metatron Discovery. These packages are the easiest formats to use. To run this binary file, you need to have Java installed on your system. Currently Metatron Discovery requires both oracle java sdk 1.8 and apache maven 3.3+. Please be aware that java 10 version does not supported yet.


Install Druid customized for Metatron Discovery

It is essential to install an engine for processing Metatron Discovery which is based on Druid but optimized for Metatron Discovery. Please be aware that general Apache Druid cannot fully support the Metatron Discovery. After downloading the Druid binary, unzip it to the proper directory.
Link for the Druid binary

Check for the Druid Installation

Below is the command for executing scripts to start | stop druid.

$ |

Next is checking the connections. Enter the Druid Coordinator Console(http://localhost:8081). For the test, we already ingested “sales” dataset to the Druid. Make sure the dataset is on a datasource list in the consle.

Get the Metatron Discovery release binary

There is two way to get the running binary file.

  1. Directly download the final binary file.
  2. Clone and build from the Metatron Discovery Github repository.

The first one is the easiest way. you just need to download the latest Metatron Discovery release binary. Simply save the .tar.gz file to a folder on your system where you wish to run Metatron Discovery. And you are ready to deploy it!

Or in case of building the project rather than just downloading the binary file, the first thing to do is to clone the project from the Metatron Discovery github.

$ git clone

And the project needs to be build through Maven.

$ mvn clean install -DskipTests

The building process needs some time to complete the whole tasks. Especially for building frontend, it takes more time. Be aware that you don’t need to care about the “npm error”. Just wait for a minute.
After completing the build task, check the directory “discovery-distribution/target/metatron-discovery-{VERSION}-{TIMESTAMP}-bin.tar.gz”.

Deploy Metatron Discovery

Unzip the binary file through the command line below.

$ tar zxf metatron-discovery-{VERSION}-{TIMESTAMP}-bin.tar.gz

When decompressed, a directory with the following structure is created.

|-- bin
|    |-
|    |-
|-- conf
|    |- application-config.templete.yaml 
|    |-
|-- discovery-server-{VERSION}.jar

Configure Metatron Discovery

Metatron Discovery loads its configuration from the files under “/conf” directory by default. We already wrote some frequent configurations in the template files. For your own configuration of Metatron Discovery application, you should create a new configuration file with reference to the pre-distributed template file as belows. In the generated setting file, refer to the configuration guide and specify detailed setting information.
Configuration guide

$ cp ./conf/application-config.templete.yaml ./conf/application-config.yaml

To configure the environment in which the server is running, you need to configure server memory or classpath settings by editing the “” file.

$ cp ./conf/ ./conf/

For example, if you want to use MySQL and increase the memory, you should set it as below. See the comments in the file “” for more information.

export METATRON_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms4g -Xmx4g
export METATRON_DB_TYPE=mysql

Run Metatron

Metatron can be started from the command line as follows:

$ ./bin/ --init start

⚠️ Cautions! –init option initializes the whole data.
Add this argument only for the very first time or when you want to reset your development environment.

At this point, you are ready to go! Just access your new Metatron server on port 8180, most likely at http://localhost:8180.
Further running options also are provided as well.

$ ./bin/ [--config=directory] [--init] [--management] [--debug=port] {start|stop|restart|status}

The default admin user account of Metatron client is provided as ID: admin, PW: admin.