Author: polaris

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[New Feature Introducing]“Explain Plan”statement for Druid SQL

Druid SQL is a very convenient interface that allows you to execute queries on Druid in SQL format. However, Druid Query in JSON format still provides powerful features that Druid SQL cannot provide (for example, when you want to export query results in orc format). The problem is that the more complicated the Druid Query…
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Time Series Data Analysis Using Metatron Discovery

Metatron Discovery utilizes Druid as a data processing engine, and thus has many strengths in analyzing large time series based data. Metatron Discovery was developed to take full advantage of these features of Druid. In this example, we will explain how to analyze time series data using Metatron Discovery through an example. Visualizing time series…
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Metatron Grandview free trial in South Korea (Korean version)

SK Telecom 은 Metatron Grandview 를 무료로 체험할 수 있는 Promotion 을 진행 중입니다. 관심있는 기업에서 연락을 주시면 설비로 부터 무료로 데이터를 수집해서 Metatron Grandview 를 통해 설비의 상태를 실시간으로 모니터링하고 수집된 데이터로 부터 분석을 통해 설비의 고장을 미리 예측하여 예지 정비 할 수 있도록 Cloud 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 으로 연락…
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Joining Druid datasources

In general, joining between tables in relational database is very important and must be performed. In a NoSQL-based database such as Druid, the operation such as Join is not required, but depending on the situation, it may be necessary to refer to values ​​from other data sources (for example, to check the reference values ​​of…
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