New Stable Release: Metatron Discovery 3.3.0

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New Stable Release: Metatron Discovery 3.3.0

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We are happy to announce that Metatron Discovery 3.3.0 is now available! Metatron Discovery contains many usability features that extend beyond that release. In the Metatron Discovery 3.3.0 release, we finally show you metadata management and searching features, as well as imporved UIs in data ingestion and compatibility with Java 12. In this post, we will walk you through the new capabilities in Metatron Discovery 3.3.0.

Metatron Discovery 3.3.0

Exploration (beta)

To analyze data by yourself, searching the data sets you want to analyze is always important. Metatron Discovery 3.3.0 now supports searching data based on their meta information. It is possible to see data source popularities and recommendations to use personally.
If you want to use this beta exploration, you need to toggle on the menu by adding configuration like below:


    - name: Explore Data

Add additional options when creating data sources

Schema modifications have been improved in the ingestion stage. You can edit the column names, add or delete columns freely.

Also, You can now append more rows or overwrite the existing datasource. If the schema of the data source you want to re-ingest is different from the existing data source’s, then the entire data will be overwritten.

Improved metadata management

Metatdata improves your analytical performance. It tells you about more details about datasource in your system. From the 3.3.0 release, you can add and manage metadata information linked with datasource which is in all the database connections supported by Metatron Discovery. Through those MDM feature, data managers can give insights with detailed descriptions to the analysts!

We prepared the metadata detail sample to our instances. Choose metadata source in metadata main page and go to metadata detail. You are able to view and download sample data Check out now!

Improved notebook functionality

No more need a server host name and a port to create a notebook connection. Only an URL is needed to connect to your notebook server. Also, you can add both the Jupyter and Zeppelin notebook connections at the same time.

Improved the item view in the workspace

Along with some design changes, system now let you know the (un)publishing status of the resources associated with the workspace items.

Compatible with the latest Java version(12)

We officially recommend jdk 8 to use Metatron Discovery. But now Java 11 or 12 also compatible.

Support spark as data trasformation engine in data-preparation

Now we support Apache Spark engine for processing data preparation. Install discovery spark engine and follow the process described here.

Metatron Optimized Druid 3.3.0

As we upgrade Druid features along with the upgrade of Metatron Discovery, we recommend upgrading your Druid according to the Discovery. Use druid-metatron-3.3.0.tar.gz from the assets on the release page.

How to get Metatron Discovery 3.3.0

You can always download the latest version of Metatron Discovery at Choose one from 3 types of installation: Binary, VM, Docker image. Leave your problems to our forum if you get stuck or need help for installation.

Thanks always for using Metatron Discovery! We’ll back to soon with a new release.

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