Category: Metatron Discovery

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Summary of 13th Board Meeting

First of all, we would like to thank our users and contributors who attended. In the 13th board meeting, we’ve discussed about 3.4 release candidates and the future release plan. News Serveral conferences are held in Korea these days. We are attending some of the events and running a booth to demonstrate our Metatron products.…
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New Releases: Metatron Discovery 3.3.1 & 3.4.0(rc1)

Hello, users! We are back to you with new updates on Metatron Discovery. We have two versions ready – a new stable version 3.3.1 and a first release candidate of version 3.4.0. Explore our recent improvements: Metatron Discovery 3.4.0 rc1 Support Black Theme Apply black design theme and change global UI function (#2388)Finally, you can…
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Anomaly Detection on Real-time Server Load Data

Let’s walk-through quickly on how to detect abnormal events with Metatron Discovery EX-pack: Anomaly Detection. Learn how to set alarm rules with real-time data and get alarms on abnormal events. The dataset for the test is describing usage levels on CPU, memory, I/O and network of 10 servers in the 2 clusters. They are updated…
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